The Wyomissing Borough Police Department is asking the public’s assistance in providing information in a commercial burglary investigation.
The incident took place in the early morning hours of March 13, 2023 at the Best Buy Store located at 1701 Crossing Drive in Wyomissing.
According to police, a suspect(s) entered the store through the roof of the business and gained access to displays, stealing over $100,000 in various electronics. Police declined to share any further details, stating the investigation is ongoing.
According to a police call log, officers were dispatched to the Best Buy that morning for a burglar alarm at 3:22am. The report notes that upon arrival, all doors and windows appeared secure and that “everything appeared in order.”
Later, at 8:36am, officers were called back to the Best Buy after staff reported thet a burglary took place overnight.
Anyone with information pertaining to this incident is asked to contact the Wyomissing Borough Police directly at 610-375-6102, or submit an anonymous tip to Crime Alert Berks County. Cash rewards are available up to $10,000 if the tip leads to an arrest.
Anonymous tips may be submitted by either calling 1(877) 373-9913, downloading the ALERTBERKS app on your mobile device, or by using your mobile phone to text tips to 847411 and typing ALERTBERKS + your tip. Additional information may be found at