City of Reading announces 2024 Leaf Collection Program

The City of Reading’s Public Works Department will begin curbside leaf collection starting Monday, October 14, 2024, in various areas throughout the city. Residents are reminded that loose leaves will not be picked up prior to the start date.

During the collection period, residents should not mix grass clippings, branches, brush, or any other debris with their loose-leaf piles, as it may cause damage to the equipment.

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Due to potential delays caused by weather conditions, equipment issues, or personnel availability, collection schedules may vary. Please note that if leaves are not raked into the curb when the crew passes through, the trucks will not backtrack. However, crews will return periodically to neighborhoods. The collection routes do not follow a set daily schedule.

The following areas are slated for curbside leaf collection: 18th Ward (South of Penn), Northeast (Hampden Heights), Hessian Camp (East Reading), Northwest, Northmont, Riverdale, and Glenside.

Leaf Bag Collection Schedule 2024: In addition to loose-leaf collection, bagged leaves will also
be collected on the following schedule: Northeast areas – Mondays. Center City, East Reading, 18th Ward, South of Penn areas – Tuesdays. Northwest, Northmont, Riverdale, Glenside areas – Wednesdays.

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Leaves must be placed in biodegradable paper bags for bagged collection. Plastic bags will not be
accepted. Bagged leaf collection will continue on your regular yard waste collection day.

The final day for leaf collection is scheduled for Friday, December 6, 2024. This date is subject to change if leaves fall later than expected. After this date, equipment will be converted for winter weather operations. For daily updates on progress or further information about bagged leaf pickup, contact the Streets Division at 610-655-6285.

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