The Met-Ed Sustainable Energy Fund has awarded three grants totaling $72,577 to support the development and use of clean energy technologies and energy efficiency in the Pennsylvania service territory of the Met-Ed energy company.
Greater Easton Development Partnership, $49,000 to fund energy efficiency upgrades and a solar array at GEDP, 325 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. GEDP shares the building with the 16,000-square-foot indoor Easton Public Market, which GEDP runs. The upgrades include LED lighting and occupancy sensors. The rooftop solar array will produce clean/renewable energy on site, reducing utility costs for GEDP.
Fleetwood Area Public Library, $15,000 to install energy-efficient windows in a former machine shop that will become the new community library. The new library is in the Fleetwood municipal building, a former school at 110 West Arch St. The library outgrew its previous location on the second floor of the same building. The new library will have areas specifically for teens, younger children, tutoring, computers, and reading.

Forks Township, $8,577 to remove existing light poles and lights and replace them with taller poles and LED fixtures that have dusk-to-dawn sensors at the Community Center, 500 Zucksville Road in Northampton County.
The mission of the Met-Ed Sustainable Energy Fund is to provide grants, loans, and equity investments to promote:
- The development and use of renewable energy and clean energy technologies
- Energy conservation and efficiency
- Sustainable energy businesses
- Projects that improve the environment in the companies’ service territories, as defined by their relationship to the companies’ transmission and distribution facilities.
The Met-Ed Sustainable Energy Fund is administered by Berks County Community Foundation in partnership with the Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund, which is administered by the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.