Richmond Township Resident and Vice President of Stateline Funding J. Scott DeFrees, has announced his candidacy for Berks County, Pennsylvania Recorder of Deeds
“Berks County is where our family calls home. I decided to run because I am drawn toward this new opportunity to serve my community,” said Scott DeFrees.
DeFrees’s career spans over 20 years in residential lending, giving him the experience needed to win and execute the duties of the office with excellence. DeFrees has worked to maintain and secure highly sensitive personal and real estate material. He is experienced in compliance both at the state and federal levels.
DeFrees says he is committed to providing excellent service for Berks Countians. He feels residents deserve efficient and competent processing of deeds and real estate transactions.
In addition, DeFrees is committed to serving our Veterans by maintaining their military papers and Veterans ID Cards.
He said he is also committed to prompt communication and availability by opening doors to the public and maintaining consistent and reasonable office hours.
“The incumbent is essentially an absentee office holder. She has been absent for most of the year. The doors of this public office have been locked since March of 2020 and currently encourage visitors to make an appointment for assistance. I want to return order to this Office” said DeFrees.
DeFrees says he is eager to be a presence in the office and work side by side with his staff, fostering a positive working environment, improving morale, and promoting growth, and collaboration for a positive experience for all who enter the Recorder of Deeds office.