The Reading Police Department, in partnership with the Police Chaplains, invite the City of Reading community to participate in National Faith & Blue weekend, with a special event at City Park on Sunday, October 9 from 1-4pm.
The event will include food, music, and activities for all ages. The outdoor gathering is part of a national program launched to facilitate safer, stronger, more just and unified communities by directly enabling local partnerships among law enforcement professionals, residents, businesses and community groups through the connections of local faith-based organizations.
The City of Reading’s City Park Faith & Blue event is one of thousands of activities happening across the country.
At the heart of the initiative is the reinforcement of connections between law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve through the reach of houses of worship.
These connections are built through activities that are held in neighborhoods of every kind across the United States, jointly hosted by houses of worship and local law enforcement entities.
More information about National Faith & Blue Weekend can be found at