Now in its 31st year, the Hillside Playground has once again been transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Affectionately known as “Christmas on the Mountain,” the free to enter and free to park display, features over 5 million led lights, inflatables, vintage and modern decorations.
The lights display underwent a major overhaul for 2022. A refurbished classic light show set to classic and modern holiday music, all new character experiences complete with many new habitats, a second 4K immersive light show that sets a completely new standard are just a few of the things you can expect for this season.
The renovation is expected to reset the bar for the many Berks County residents that consider “Christmas on the Mountain” an annual tradition.
Guests will be immersed in the Christmas spirit when the display opens for the 2022 season on Friday, November 25th, 2022. The display will be open through December 23, 2022.
The team of volunteers have outdone themselves this year. “If you would have told me in 2015 after 6 seasons of this display under our care, that it would look like this!? I would have never believed you! A Free display of this magnitude is just unheard of! To think the largest free light display in the USA is right here in Reading, PA is just unreal!” said Tim Profit a 1999 RHS Grad.
The Reading High School Marine Corps JROTC continue to be committed to the setup and ongoing operational manpower of their of cadets. The cadets and the volunteers have been setting up for the 2022 Christmas Season since October and will continue until the opening on Friday November 25th when the Cadets will transition to the operational capacity of the display.
Reading’s Christmas on the Mountain exists today because of the support of several local sponsor businesses. Savage Auto Group and Axcess Industries have provided the majority of the startup and continuous funding.
Children meet Santa at No Cost. For a $5.00 donation, guests will receive a photo and unlimited pictures with your device. For those looking for a small bite to eat, a concession stand offers an assortment of hot food and drinks.
Reading’s Christmas on the Mountain is located at the Hillside Playground, 459 North 14th Street Reading, PA 19604.