BARTA has announced their new route & schedule changes will take effect on Monday, January 6, 2020.
New Ride Guides are available on the BARTA buses and the Berks Transportation Center. A route-by-route description of the approved changes is as follows:
Route 1 – Temple via 5th Street: Approved to add service on Sundays from 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM, add a second bus due to heavy ridership.
Route 3 – Temple-Kutztown: Approved minor time point adjustments to improve on-time performance.
Route 10 – Brookline: Approved to modify schedule on Saturdays to match the weekday schedule to improve on-time performance.
Route 14 – Wernersville: Approved to only serve Phoebe Berks on request in order to improve on-time performance.
Route 15 – Berkshire Mall: Approved to add service on Sundays from 10 AM to 6:00 PM, add a second bus due to heavy ridership. Proposal to eliminate deviation to Drexelwood and modify route to travel Woodland to Berkshire Mall was not approved.
Route 16 – Broadcasting Square: Approved to modify schedule to show that Penn State Berks is only served when school is in session for Fall and Spring semesters. Penn State Berks will be by “Request Only” when Penn State Berks is not in session. Approved to modify schedule to improve on-time performance.
Route 20 – Hamburg/Cabela’s: Approved to add trips at 8:00 AM, 9:05 AM, 11:10 AM, 12:10 PM, and 1:15 PM, Monday -Saturday to serve new distribution centers opening along Route 61 North. Propose to eliminate deviation to Ashley Furniture due to on-going conflicts with parked vehicles at entrance was not approved. Deviation will remain. Approved to modify schedule to improve on-time performance during peak hours.