PennDOT Outlines 2021 Construction Plans for Berks County

Over 30 projects have been highlighted as the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced work that will take place across Berks County during the 2021 construction season.

“The importance of good roads and bridges cannot be overstated,” said Governor Tom Wolf. “This work will ensure continued delivery of goods and services to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians and keep the region’s economy thriving.”

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Overall highlights in the 2021 regional construction season for District 5 (Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton, and Schuylkill counties) include: Approximately 120 miles of paving; approximately 24 bridges repaired or replaced; and approximately 285 miles of roadway seal coated.

“Our highway and bridge improvement program is designed to provide safe and convenient travel across the region,” Acting District 5 Executive Chris Kufro said.

“Improved travel is vital to quality of life for area residents and for the efficient movement of goods, and this year we will see over $130 million invested in new road and bridge construction projects, as well as more than $400 million invested in continuing projects like our Interstate 78 improvements in Berks, Lehigh and Northampton counties.”

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In Berks County, notable projects that started or will continue this year include reconstruction of Interstate 78 between Exit 35 (PA 143/Lenhartsville) and Lehigh County line in Greenwich Township, Berks County, $168.3 million; Reconstruction and widening of Interstate 78 in Tilden Township and Hamburg Borough, Berks County, $125.6 million; Intersection improvements in US 222 in Maidencreek Township, Berks County, $26.7 million; Resurfacing of Route 12 in the City of Reading and Muhlenberg Township, Berks County, $13.2 million; Replacement of State Street Bridge over an unnamed tributary to the Schuylkill River in Hamburg Borough, Berks County, $2.4 million;

Projects that are expected to begin in Berks this year include: Project to improve I-78 including patching, milling, paving and bridge preservation in Berks, Lehigh, and Northampton counties, $23.3 million; Milling and paving of Hampden Boulevard in City of Reading, Berks County, $2.8 million – $3 million (estimated); Milling and paving of Old Route 22 in Greenwich Township, Berks County, $2.8 million – $3 million (estimated).

As construction projects are underway in the region, PennDOT urges travelers to keep their safety and the safety of highway workers in mind. When encountering a work zone, PennDOT is advising to drive the posted speed limit, turn on your headlights, pay close attention to signs and flaggers, and avoid all distractions. In high traffic locations, motorists are encouraged to use both lanes of travel to the merge point and are to take turns merging into the open lane.

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