Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf announced recently the approval of $13.7 million in grant funding to make infrastructure and equipment upgrades at 29 Pennsylvania airports. The new improvements will help Pennsylvania’s airports operate safely, expand to meet demands, or attract more growth.
“Investments in our aviation infrastructure is vital to the economic vitality of the commonwealth,” said Governor Wolf. “Hundreds of thousands of jobs are supported by aviation in Pennsylvania and the new investments announced today will help airports bolster commerce and attract more customers.”
As of April 2019, Pennsylvania ranks 13th in the country in the number of public-use aviation facilities with 127 airports, heliports, and seaplane bases. Funded through PennDOT’s Aviation Transportation Assistance Program, Aviation Development Program, and the Multimodal Fund, the new investments will infuse new state investments to expand aviation-related operational and economic opportunities statewide.
A few of the regional approved aviation projects include
Berks County Reading Regional Airport – $18,750 to acquire snow removal equipment, $150,000 for rehabilitating portions of the north and west apron pavement areas and $180,000 to construct a de-icing material storage building
Lancaster County Lancaster Airport – $37,500 to acquire airfield maintenance materials such as crack sealant that can be applied by airport maintenance staff.
Lehigh County Lehigh Valley International Airport – $2.8 million of state funds to continue the development of general aviation hangars.
Montgomery County Wings Field – $150,000 to remove and/or light obstructions in the runway approaches.
Philadelphia County Philadelphia International Airport – $424,900 in state funds for rehabilitation of platforms and canopies at the airport’s SEPTA regional rail line station.