Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced Thursday that the 106th Pennsylvania Farm Show will run from Saturday, January 8 through Saturday, January 15 and will be hosted at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg.
“Each year, the Pennsylvania Farm Show chooses a theme to convey our vision for the future of Pennsylvania agriculture,” said Redding. “After cultivating virtually in 2021, it’s only natural that we Harvest More in 2022 as we join together in Harrisburg once again, we’ll showcase a harvested bounty of innovative projects, sustainable practices, empowered agriculturalists, engaged youth and inspiring stories of our powerful agriculture industry. I hope you join us as we Harvest More, together, in Harrisburg in January.”
Following the 2021 virtual Farm Show and its theme of Cultivating Tomorrow, the 2022 PA Farm Show theme will be Harvesting More.
With the Department of Agriculture currently in the process of rolling out programs and funding opportunities for the third Pennsylvania Farm Bill, Pennsylvania is harvesting the products of investments in the industry made by Governor Tom Wolf.
Pennsylvania has harvested increased engagement in Farm to School programming, increased urban agriculture infrastructure for improved access to nutritious food, more than 600,000 acres of farmland preserved (celebrated in Berks County) for agricultural production forever, and a record number of young agriculture producers in the commonwealth who will feed us tomorrow.
“This iconic annual event brings Pennsylvanians together to experience the very best of Pennsylvania’s agricultural industry,” said Department of Community and Economic Development Executive Director of Tourism Michael Chapaloney.
“These visitors inject $39 million into the region’s economy by filling hotels, restaurants, and other attractions along the way,” “These dollars support 5,600+ jobs and generate $820,000 in state sales taxes. The tourism and hospitality is looking forward to Harvesting More dollars with the return of the in- person show.”
Redding unveiled the Harvesting More theme at Vale Wood Farms in Cambria County, with help from Garret McCall, winner of the 2021 Butter Up! competition held during the virtual 2021 PA Farm Show. McCall’s entry in the first-ever PA Farm Show butter sculpture contest, The Good Shepherd, garnered the most engagement in the social media contest.
In honor of the 2022 show, McCall sculpted a 20-pound mini butter sculpture of the 2022 Harvesting More logo which was unveiled at Vale Wood Farms today.

The 2022 Pennsylvania Farm Show will feature a return of fan-favorites like the 1,000 pound butter sculpture, famous Farm Show Food Court, bunny hopping and sheep shearing competitions (among hundreds of other competitive agricultural events), cooking demonstrations at the PA Preferred Culinary Connection, and more than one million square feet of hands-on agriculture education opportunities and chances to engage with the people who power Pennsylvania’s $132.5 billion agriculture industry.
While the show will return to an in-person format, the department will offer a variety of virtual opportunities to experience the show and celebrate agriculture. Successful virtual events from the 2021 show that will return include the Butter Up! competition, duckling and bee hive live cams, Ag Explorer stations, and the PA Farm Show Trail.
“The Pennsylvania Farm Show is an event that marks time in the commonwealth, a place of comfort and memories,” said Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center Executive Director Sharon Myers. “We look forward to hosting Pennsylvania and not only showcasing our harvest but offering an opportunity for more milkshakes and memories.”