The County of Berks has announced that the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commissioner has appointed Cathy Boyer, Records Manager for the County of Berks Archives Department, to the State Historical Records Advisory Board.
The board provides leadership and advocacy for preserving Pennsylvania’s documentary heritage. Boyer’s three- year term began on January 1, 2022 and expires on December 31, 2024.
The State Historical Records Advisory Board operates under federal regulations governing the National Historical Publication and Records Commission and serves as the central advisory body for historical records planning in the state.
Members of the Board review grant applications submitted by Pennsylvania institutions to the NHPRC and seek to facilitate cooperation among historical records repositories around the state.
The State Historical Records Advisory Board’s mission is to foster the preservation and accessibility of historically valuable records and to promote public awareness and appreciation of this enduring legacy.
Its vision statement includes preserving and valuing historical records and making them accessible to all present and future generations of citizens. To learn more, visit