Five arrests made in Berks County child pornography investigations

The Berks County District Attorney’s office announced arrests in five separate child pornography investigations Friday morning. County Detectives conducted the investigations over the past twelve months after receiving numerous complaints from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Through the course of the investigations, Detectives say they identified five individuals who either possessed and/or disseminated child pornography via the internet.

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Detectives conducted search warrants at addresses in Bernville, the City of Reading, West Lawn, and Mohnton. Detectives say they identified and seized evidence during the searches, which was delivered to the Berks County District Attorney’s Digital Forensic Laboratory for analysis and forensic examination.

Investigators say the examinations resulted in the successful identification of digital files, images and videos containing child pornography.

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021, the Berks County Detectives Office filed criminal charges against the defendants and arrest warrants were issued by Magisterial District Judges Book, Butler and Glass.

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On Thursday, October 28, 2021, the five defendants all surrendered by reporting to the Berks County Detective’s Office. Each defendant was immediately escorted to the Central Processing Center and released into the custody of the Berks County Sheriff’s Department.

Charges include Sexual Abuse of Children related to the Possession and Dissemination of Child Pornography and Criminal Use of a Communication Facility.

A video Preliminary Arraignment was held for each defendant and bail was set. Jeremy Alan Walther, age 20 of Womelsdorf, M.D.J. Book set bail at $50,000.00 unsecured. Andyson Nunez, age 22 of Reading, M.D.J. Butler set bail at $10,000.00 unsecured. Christopher Giovanni Barrera, age 23 of West Lawn, M.D.J. Young set bail at $50,000.00 unsecured. Travonte Davell Staples, age 29 of Reading, M.D.J. Robinson set bail at $20,000.00 unsecured. Kurt William Wagner, age 60 of Mohnton, M.D.J. Glass set bail at $10,000.00 unsecured.

Each were released pending their Preliminary Hearings which will be held at a later date.

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