Three Berks County Police Departments are investigating jet ski and jet ski trailer thefts that occurred within weeks of each other in August and September.
On Saturday, August 16th, 2020, Central Berks Regional Police reported two jet skis and a trailer were stolen from the 2200 block of Perkiomen Ave in Mt. Penn. Incident #23-30-4814
On Tuesday, August 25th, 2020, between 1:50am and 6:00am, Exeter Township Police reported the theft of a Dark Gray Yamaha jet ski and trailer.
The jet ski was described as being dark gray with a yellow stripe along the side. It displayed a Delaware boat registration of DL 394 AK. The jet ski sat on a silver load Rite trailer displaying Pennsylvania registration XJB7730.
Police describe the suspect vehicle to be a Ford pick-up truck. Single cab long bed model, with a cap on the bed. There also may have been a dog image on the passenger bed cap window. Incident #25-20-4453
On Friday, September 11th, 2020, Reading Police reported the theft of two jet skis and trailer from the 1900 block of Centre Ave. The images below are the jet skis stolen from Centre Ave.
Anyone with information pertaining to these jet ski thefts or can identify the depicted suspect vehicle or suspect is asked to submit an anonymous tip to Crime Alert Berks County.
Cash rewards are available up to $10,000 if the tip leads to an arrest. Anonymous tips may be submitted by either calling 1(877) 373-9913, downloading the ALERTBERKS app on your mobile device, or by using your mobile phone to text tips to 847411 and typing ALERTBERKS + your tip.
You can also contact Reading Police Investigator Keith Merkel Ph/ 610-655-6116 email: or Central Berks Police Det. Sgt. Deron Manndel ph/610-779-1100 email: or Exeter Township Police Det. Sgt. Michael Godshall ph/ 610-779-1490 email: