Hamburg senior wins 3rd place in ‘Teen Driver Safety Week’ video contest

On Thursday, the Highway Safety Network joined partners, State Farm to present the third-place winner of a teen safe driving video contest, with a check for $150.

The video, produced by Domanick Ernst, a senior at Hamburg Area High School, was selected as third-place winner in the Teen Driver Safety Week, Teen Drivers and Speeding TikTok Video Contest.

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The award presentation was held at State Farm Agent, Kay Greenawalt’s office in Hamburg.

The contest was hosted by the Highway Safety Network during Teen Driver Safety Week, October 17 – 23, 2021. The scholarship was funded through a State Farm Teen Traffic Safety – Survive the Drive grant.

Ernst’s video depicts a conversation between friends about crash statistics and how they need to practice safe driving behaviors, such as buckling up and slowing down, when behind the wheel.

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The video can be viewed on the Highway Safety Network’s (@highwaysafetynetwork) TikTok account or at Traffic Safety Tara on Facebook

The contest challenged youth throughout the PennDOT District 2, 3, 5 and 12 regions to create a video and post to TikTok highlighting the dangers of speeding.

The purpose of this contest was peer to peer outreach. All the submissions were posted to students’ public TikTok accounts and viewable by their followers.

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