RHA receives new Incremental Housing Choice Vouchers, hosts community roundtable

The Reading Housing Authority received a visit from Matthew Heckles, Regional Administrator of HUD’s Mid-Atlantic Region Wednesday afternoon to announce the awarding of more than 19,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers.

Region III received 1,477 Incremental Housing Choice Vouchers with an estimated value of over $16 million dollars. HUD’s allocation formula is designed to direct HCVs to areas where there is demonstrated need among extremely low income and very low income renter households and ensure that there is representation of both rural and urban areas.

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The HCV program is the federal government’s major program to assist low-income families, older adults, and persons with disabilities so that they may afford housing that is decent and safe. Participants in this program use their voucher to pay for a portion of their rent in the private market.

Program participant David Butler shares his experiences at the roundtable event.

The current RHA Voucher Program assists nearly 900 households in the City of Reading, and includes traditional (incremental) vouchers, Mainstream Vouchers that serve households who are under age 60 and have a disability, Emergency Housing Vouchers released during the pandemic, Shelter Plus Care Vouchers for persons who are homeless and have a disability, and Portability Vouchers, which are issued in another jurisdiction but brought into Reading, which includes those issued under a program with the Veterans Administration.

A roundtable discussion with program participants, landlords and other stakeholders was also held Wednesday to discuss the ways in which voucher-based housing assistance allows individuals and families to meet their self-sufficiency goals.

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“We welcome this addition to our toolbox, as we assist families in achieving their goals” said Stacey Keppen, Executive Director.

“Affordable housing is stable housing, impacting everything from our health and safety to our children’s educational attainment, to the ability for our older family members to live out a self-directed life. We are grateful to the Department for sponsoring such an important investment.”

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