Beginning next week, Penn Avenue in West Reading will undergo repaving during the evening and overnight hours. Borough Police are advising motorist to be aware of possible lane and parking restrictions.
Kinsley Construction, Inc. has been contracted by PennDOT to perform roadway patching and resurfacing of Penn Ave from 8th Street to the Penn Street Bridge.
Repaving is scheduled to begin on September 9th, and expected to be completed around October 1st, from 7pm-6am, Sunday through Thursday. In addition, parking restrictions will be in effect for the entire length of Penn Ave on both sides, from 6pm-6am during the project.
In addition to parking restrictions, traffic lanes will be closed on a short-term basis with
the use of flaggers to assist with the flow of traffic at intersecting roadways.
Access to businesses will be intermittently affected as the equipment performing the work
progresses and as the placed material cures.
Officials say impacts will be minimized as best as feasible; however, the length of cure time for the placed material is unpredictable as it is dependent on air and temperature conditions at the time of placement.
Parking remains available within the West Reading Shopping Center at 525 Penn Avenue in the numbered spaces for $1 per hour. Payment can be made at either kiosk near the Penn Ave entrance, or via app.