The ARL received the results Wednesday for the rabies tests performed on two felines picked up last Saturday from Leesport Borough.
The adult feline tested positive for the virus, while the kitten tested negative.
The adult cat attacked a resident and died which prompted the rabies protocol. The victim received medical attention.
ARL staff is currently working with Leesport Borough and assessing the status of a cat colony in the area to ensure that these cats are healthy and the site is safe for residents and their pets.
Original Article: The Animal Rescue League of Berks County is warning residents in Leesport Borough to be on alert for animals in the area with signs of illness, advising pet owners should not allow their pets outside unsupervised.
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, an Animal Protection Officer from the Animal Rescue League picked up one deceased adult feline and one deceased kitten from Leesport Borough around Shackamaxon Street.
ARL officials say both felines presented with wounds of unknown origin and were sent to a lab to be tested for rabies.
Although there is no confirmation that these cats are positive for the virus, as a precaution, the ARal is asking residents to be alert for other animals in the area with signs of illness and should not allow their pets outside unsupervised.
If you suspect an animal is infected with rabies, please immediately call the Animal Protection Department at the ARL or your local police department. Do not approach the animal by any means.
According to the CDC, rabies is a neurological virus that infects the central nervous system of mammals, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death in 99.9% of human cases if left untreated.
Although 90% of reported cases of rabies in animals occur in wildlife–mainly skunks, raccoons, bats, coyotes, and foxes–the virus can be transmitted to dogs, cats, and cattle who have not received a vaccination.
Common symptoms of rabies in animals include general sickness, problems swallowing, excessive drool or saliva, an animal who bites at everything, an animal who appears tamer than you would expect, an animal who is having trouble moving or maybe paralyzed, or a bat that is on the ground. (Source: CDC)