To provide an exciting new way for families to get a glimpse inside a modern Pennsylvania dairy farm, Kurtland Farms and “Choose PA Dairy” have partnered to host “Breakfast on the Farm” Saturday, September 21, 2019, in Elverson, PA.
The free event begins with a complimentary breakfast featuring local, Pennsylvania food and dairy products, including PA Farm Show Milkshakes. Families who attend can also visit interactive, dairy-themed stations with educational information and hands-on activities for children to learn about food production.
The event is part of the “Choose PA Dairy” campaign, a joint promotional campaign with a goal to increase consumer awareness about the year-round availability of local milk, how to purchase it, and the health benefits of consuming fluid milk. Campaign partners include the Center for Dairy Excellence, Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, PA Preferred, American Dairy Association North East, Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania and other partners.
September 21 from 8 a.m. to noon
Kurtland Farms
4369 Main Street
Elverson, PA 19520
Advance registration is encouraged. Click here to register.