Daniel Boone Homestead to celebrate arrival of Fall with Heritage Day Fall Festival Sunday, October 22

The Daniel Boone Homestead Associates are excited to celebrate the arrival of fall with the Homestead’s annual Heritage Day event on Sunday, October 22, 2023, from 12:00 to 4:00pm.

This living history program features a variety of eighteenth-century demonstrations, trades, and hands-on activities. These include blacksmithing, gunsmithing, hearth cooking, textile processing, candle dipping, leatherworking, and more.

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The ever-popular colonial musician Bob Mouland will be joining us this year, as well as “Ye Olde Colonial Angler of 1770” and Pennsylvania Craftsmen Construction. The event will also feature craft and specialty food vendors as well as fall activities for children like pumpkin painting.

In the Boone House, volunteers will be cooking a hearty meal over the hearth, while Bob Mouland treats guests to colonial music on his octave spinet harpsichord in the parlor.

Visitors can also tour the Boone House and spring cellar and learn about the three families who lived there during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Throughout the historic area, visitors can watch eighteenth-century textile processing, wool dyeing, spinning, and quilting demonstrations. Volunteers will also be demonstrating gunsmithing, blacksmithing, and leatherworking, and visitors will have the unique opportunity to tour the three-room Bertolet Log House.

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“Ye Olde Colonial Angler of 1770” will be displaying his various colonial fly-fishing items including hooks, lines, and angle rods. Look for his demonstration of fly fishing as well as various methods of bait fishing. Pennsylvania Craftsmen Construction Company will also be with us this year demonstrating eighteenth century building techniques.

In addition to demonstrations and trades, there will be a variety of eighteenth-century hands-on activities for children and adults to enjoy including candle dipping, quill pen writing, and toys and games.

Admission: Adults $10.00, Seniors (65+) $8.00, Youth (6-17) $5.00. Children 5 and under and DBHA members are free. No pets and no smoking. Visit the website or Facebook page for up-to-date details: thedanielboonehomestead.org and The Daniel Boone Homestead on Facebook. The event is sponsored and run by The Daniel Boone Homestead Associates.

The Daniel Boone Homestead is the birthplace of the famed frontiersman, born in 1734. The Boone House, constructed in three stages throughout the eighteenth century, is a 10-room stone structure fully furnished to the period and situated on 579 acres of rolling countryside.

The Daniel Boone Homestead is located halfway between Reading and Pottstown, one mile north of Rt. 422 near Baumstown. The Homestead is owned by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, and daily historic operations are run by the Daniel Boone Homestead Associates, a local, nonprofit organization.

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