Reading Mayor Eddie Morán joined members of the Ecuadorian community Wednesday evening to raise their flag in front of Reading City Hall in observance of Ecuador’s Independence Day.
Ecuador’s Independence Day is known in Spanish as ‘Día del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito,’ ‘Day of Quito’s First Cry of Independence,’ and in other countries of Hispanic America as ‘Primer Grito de Independencia Hispanoamericano,’ or ‘First Cry of Hispanic American Independence,’ as the Ecuadorians were the first ones to do so in Latin America and inspired other countries.
On this day in 1809, the citizens of Quito, the current-day capital city of Ecuador, rebelled and declared their independence from Spain.
The event was co-organized by the Mayor’s Office, the ‘Comité Cívico Ecuatorianos de Reading’ and ‘Ecua-Reading.’