UPDATE: Due to weather, the event has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2022.
To raise awareness about kindergarten and pre-kindergarten enrollment, and the importance of early education, the Reading School District will host Swag Bus events at six locations throughout the city from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 7.
Families can visit any location to meet bilingual staff members, learn what items are needed to enroll in school and explore a school bus. The event will also include music, mascots and a make-and-take alphabet project.
Children ages 3-6 will receive a healthy snack bag and a Kindergarten swag bag that includes a Red Knight Ready activity book, crayons and Playdoh. Families and older students can choose from additional Red Knight swag items. All snacks and swag items will be available while supplies last.
Swag Bus locations include: 10th and Green Elementary, Amanda Stout Elementary, Baer Park, Centre Park, DoubleTree Hotel, Glenside (corner of Schuylkill Ave. and Lehigh Street).
“Kindergarten enrollment is one of our favorite times of the year,” says Dr. Yamil Sanchez-Rivera, Chief Administrative Officer at Reading School District. “We love getting to know new families and students and preparing to welcome them into our Red Knight family.”
The district is now enrolling for PreKindergarten and Kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year. Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2022 to start PreKindergarten and 5 years old by September 1, 2022 to start Kindergarten.
Families can register for PreKindergarten or Kindergarten by submitting a print enrollment packet or by completing online enrollment on the district’s website at readingsd.org/RedKnightReady, Print enrollment packets can also be downloaded from the district website and are available at the main offices at each RSD elementary school.
Completed packets can be submitted online or dropped off at your child’s elementary school. A registration clerk will follow up with families to schedule a mandatory enrollment appointment.
Parents/guardians must attend the enrollment appointment in person and bring all required items to complete the registration process. Required items include your child’s birth certificate, child’s immunization records, a photo ID of the parent or guardian, and proof of residence. Specific details about accepted documents are available on the district website.
Enrolling students during the spring enrollment season can help build excitement for their new journey and it also helps the school district plan for the future.
“We’re better able to plan when we know how many students are coming and which school they’re enrolling in,” Sanchez-Rivera says. “A lot of work goes on behind the scenes making everything perfect for welcoming these young learners, and having enrollment information early makes sure that parents don’t miss any important information.”
If families have questions or need assistance completing the enrollment packet, they can visit or contact the main office at their child’s school during school hours, and RSD staff can assist them.