The Reading Hospital Magnet Champions Team coordinated its 13th annual “Piece Per Person” challenge, which encouraged hospital employees to donate items to fill Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank’s weekender food bags for Reading School District students.
More than 4,000 staff members from nearly 100 departments came together to donate approximately 35,000 non-perishable food items, meeting the goal of eight pieces of food per person.
“We’re always thrilled to participate in this event, and our employees love the opportunity to get a little competitive while helping out the community,” said Rebecca Price MSN, CV-BC, NEA-BC, Nursing Unit Director, and Piece Per Person challenge organizer. “When Helping Harvest reached out about the event, I was excited to take them up on the opportunity to help the children of our community, as were the wonderful people I work alongside.”
Thanks to these donations, Helping Harvest is able to provide students with weekender bags containing two breakfasts, two lunches, and two snacks, for an entire month.
“Whenever an opportunity arises to help the community, our team members are always eager to step in, whether that’s in our hospitals and facilities or not.” Charles F. Barbera, MD, Reading Hospital president and CEO, said. “The way they continuously strive to care for the wellbeing of this community and its children says a lot about their character. I am routinely reminded of how proud I am of them.”