Threshold Rehabilitation Services, Inc. dedicated its new Residential Treatment Facility (RTF-A) for Young Adults in Wernersville on Wednesday, April 5.
The building was dedicated in honor of Thomas W. McNelis (Mac) and provides 24-hour living arrangements, mental health treatment, and medication management for individuals between the ages of 18 to 25 who are on a path to recovery from serious mental illness. Trauma-informed care and Dialectical Behavioral Treatment (DBT) modalities will be emphasized, and the estimated length of stay for residents enrolled in the program is anticipated to be one to two years.
McNelis served Threshold Rehabilitation Services with compassion and a commitment to innovative services for 48 years before his retirement on December 31, 2022. “The establishment of this Residential Treatment Facility for Young Adults was the result of an amazing collaboration among the Berks County MH/DD Office and Community Care Behavioral Health (CCBH) who identified a significant need in the treatment and recovery of young adults facing mental health challenges in our community.”

“That Threshold was chosen to establish and operate this program recognizes the history of dedication and professionalism that has been the hallmark of our Mental Health Management Staff and Direct Support Professionals. I am humbled that the Threshold Board of Directors has graciously given my name to this home, I am equally honored to have been associated with this outstanding group of professionals, as well as the County Staff who helped bring this project to fruition and our partners at CCBH who provide the necessary funding,” said Thomas W. McNelis.
Threshold’s Board of Directors and Senior Management team and RTF-A staff and residents attended the event. Representatives from the County of Berks, MH/DD and Health Choices Programs, and Community Care Behavioral Health were also present to support Threshold in marking the occasion.
Representing Threshold’s Senior Management staff, Dr. Edward B. Michalik, Jr., President/CEO, noted the occasion by stating, “I am excited by and proud of the organization’s decision to honor Mac in this way. His vision and dedication to innovative programming and commitment to person-centered services is a shining example of Threshold’s devotion and compassion to those we serve.”
“Threshold’s Residential Treatment Center For Young Adults is a shining example of the innovative programs Mac has brought to our local mental health community throughout his career. By honoring this facility with Mac’s name, we create a lasting tribute to a true champion of hope for persons in our community with disabilities,” states Al Dallao, Board Chairman, Threshold Rehabilitation Services, Inc. and Emcee of Dedication.
Threshold Rehabilitation Services, Inc., is a leading nonprofit human services agency for Berks County that provides various services to persons with disabilities in four areas of need, including intellectual and developmental, mental health, residential treatment for adults, and vocational training and employment through business partnerships.