Due to the ongoing Coronavirus health crisis, Mayor Eddie Moran announced Friday morning that he has placed a temporary suspension on all special event permits and application process, effective Monday, August 3rd.
“I made this decision taking into account the advice of the City’s Emergency Management Coordinators, Law Department and Police on how to best assure the overall health and safety of our community,” said Mayor Moran.
“As we all know very well, COVID-19 has transformed our lives in ways that we could not have imagined. Canceling special event permits until further notice is a necessary step if we are to successfully overcome this pandemic.”
Other cities, such as Allentown and Philadelphia, have already taken similar measures.
Moran added, “unfortunately, new infections are increasing daily and it is best for us to follow the recommendations and best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Reading’s Emergency Management Coordinators. This was not an easy decision, however it is the right one.”
“While healthcare experts continue to fight this global emergency, we ask everyone to do their part to decrease transmission. This means continuing the practice of social distancing, washing our hands frequently and wearing face masks whenever in the company of others.”
Canceling current special event permits and pending special event permit applications means the City will not accept, review, process or approve applications, or issue permits at this time.
City officials say they will continue to monitor COVID-19 cases closely and will communicate to the public when special event activities may resume.
“I encourage everyone to continue to practice the recommendations from our healthcare professionals and to remember that we are each other’s neighbor. I want every resident healthy and safe so we can continue building a better Reading together.”