Wyomissing Area School District and Library partner to spread positivity across the community

In an effort to improve the mental health of all students in the area, the Wyomissing Area School District and the Wyomissing Public Library are working together in an innovative campaign to blanket the borough and West Reading with signs that offer positive messages.

The idea originated with the district’s Mental Health Task Force and the Director of Pupil Services, Jessica Lengle, Ed.D. One of the action items the task force initiated was to develop a community-wide health campaign with a community organization.

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Colleen Stamm, Director of the Wyomissing Public Library and a member of the task force, offered the library as a logical partner. The library serves all the residents of the community and is a well-known entity in both boroughs.

Sir Speedy Printing, headed by Joe DeMarte, developed a prototype for the signs, which have been available since school opened at the end of August. 250 signs were printed, with eleven messages; each sign is affixed to a metal stand suitable for “planting” in a yard.

The message on each sign is printed on weather-proof stock on both sides, and people may choose which message, or messages, to display. The following is a list of available signs:

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• Your Mistakes Don’t Define You
• You Are Enough
• You Matter
• Don’t Give Up
• You Are Worthy of Love
• Tomorrow is a New Day
• You Are Not Alone
• One Day at a Time
• It’s Not Too Late
• You Got This
• Tu Valles.

The price for each sign is $10; the school district and the library are splitting the proceeds in half, with the proceeds to be used for future school-community projects. Signs may be purchased at the School District at 630 Evans Avenue in Wyomissing, or at the Wyomissing Public Library, 9 Reading Boulevard in Wyomissing.

Dr. Lengle said that the two most popular signs are “Tomorrow is a New Day” and “You Are Worthy.” The goal of the project is for community members to read the signs and take the messages to heart, and to have all of the signs all over the two boroughs.

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